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Exhibitions + Installations

Brooklyn Navy Yard: Past, Present & Future

Building 92
Historic Marine Commandant’s Residence
Hours: Tuesdays- Saturdays, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
For tour schedule, click here.

Brooklyn Navy Yard: Past, Present, and Future is a permanent exhibition at Building 92 that tells the story of the Brooklyn Navy Yard from 1801, when it was founded as one of the nation’s first federal shipyards, through to the site’s use today as an active industrial and innovation hub that is home to hundreds of businesses. The exhibition is located across three floors inside the former residence of the Marine Commandant, an adaptively reused building that was originally constructed in 1858. Inside the exhibition, visitors will get an extensive history of the site through detailed wall text and a variety of artifacts and objects that span across centuries.

The exhibition is the first exhibition to tell the Yard’s story and was originally installed in 2011 with great community support from both organizations and neighborhood residents alike. Ultimately, the exhibition aims to introduce contemporary audiences to the generations of people who worked, transformed, lived, and shaped the Yard over time, and who continue to build upon the storied history of the Brooklyn Navy Yard.


May 18 – December 17, 2024
Forecourt at Building 92 (141 Flushing Ave at Carlton Ave)
Accessible 24 hours

Created by Steven Ladd and William Ladd.

Transforming America through Art: A Vision for Brooklyn’s Community features photographic reproductions of collaborative textile artwork in the publicly accessible forecourt of Building 92 and within its dedicated exhibition gallery. The interdisciplinary installation is rooted in the impact of art and representation of Brooklynites who have responded to the universal prompt of using one word to describe their hopes for the future of America.

As an extension of the storytelling amplified in the public art installation, the Ladd brothers will also curate an indoor exhibition on the ground floor gallery of Building 92. The exhibition will help contextualize the public art installation by delving into the background of the Ladd’s “Scrollathon project” and exploring their history of utilizing the arts to foster community engagement.

The Ladds are known for vibrant, highly textural artwork that evokes shared memories, working at the intersection of design, applied, and fine art. Their works represent treasured people, places, and memories, often including materials attuned to adaptive reuse, drawing on their skills with handcrafted techniques such as sewing and beading.

This installation acts as a prototype for a larger commission the Ladds have received to be part of the 250th anniversary celebration of the United States’ founding at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C.

Learn more about the artists and their work at


February 23 – May 12, 2024
Yard Work Gallery at Building 92
Hours: Open Daily, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Featuring more than forty photographs taken by Yard-based photographer JC Cancedda, IN MOTION calls attention to the importance of handcraftsmanship to manufacturing, design, and industrial production. Moving throughout the gallery, visitors are invited to take a moment to appreciate the intentional, focused, and highly skilled work unfolding in the photographs and to consider how ideas flow through the hand in ways that marry artistry and craftsmanship.

Taken between May and December 2023, the photographs provide a small snapshot of the 11,000+ workers that call the Brooklyn Navy Yard home. The photographs represent the diversity of industries at the Yard as well as helping to reveal some of the materials, tools, and machines that drive contemporary industrial innovation.

Interested in attending a program curated for this exhibition? View our upcoming programs here.

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